Credit Card Tips And Tricks To Stay Safe


Have you thought that you needed a credit card for emergencies, but have not been sure which card to get? If so, you’re in the right place. This article will answer all your questions about credit cards, how to use them, and what to look for in a credit card offer. Read on for some great tips.

Check the fine print of credit card offers. Before accepting any credit card offer ensure you know all the details. Always know your interest rate. Know the level and the time for payback. Be sure to also find out about grace periods and fees.

Make friends with your credit card issuer. Most major credit card issuers have a Facebook page. They might offer perks for those that “friend” them. They also use the forum to address customer complaints, so it is to your advantage to add your credit card company to your friend list. This applies, even if you don’t like them very much!

If you are having financial problems, talk with your credit company. The company may adjust your payment plan so that you will not have to miss a payment. They may be less likely to report a payment that is late to the major credit score agencies.

Be sure to study your credit card terms closely prior to making your first purchase. Most companies think the first time you use their card constitutes accepting their terms. Although some of this agreement may be in fine print, it is very important to thoroughly read all sections.

Do not make purchases with your credit card for things that you can not afford. Credit cards are for things that you purchase regularly or that fit into your budget. Making grandiose purchases with your credit card will make that item cost you a great deal more over time and will put you at risk for default.

Be sure to get assistance, if you’re in over your head with your credit cards. Try contacting Consumer Credit Counseling Service. This nonprofit organization offers many low, or no cost services, to those who need a repayment plan in place to take care of their debt, and improve their overall credit.

If you are going to make purchases over the Internet you need to make all of them with the same credit card. You do not want to use all of your cards to make online purchases because that will increase the chances of you becoming a victim of credit card fraud.

You should ask the people at your bank if you can have an extra checkbook register, so that you can keep track of all of the purchases that you make with your credit card. Many people lose track and they assume their monthly statements are right and there is a huge chance that there may have been errors.

It is wise to refrain from giving a credit card to a child. It is best to let children wait to get credit cards until they reach the age of 18, or when they can get their own. Instead, consider opening them a checking account and giving them an allowance. This will help them learn to manage a small amount of money so that they will be ready to manage a credit card when the time comes.

A good tip for every credit card user is to request a free copy of your credit report each year and make sure that that everything is accurate. Compare your statements with any debts you may have to be sure they’re a match.

Contact your creditor about lowering your interest rates. There are companies which will reduce the interest charged, if they’ve got a long-standing relationship with them. There is no fee to ask, and if it works, you will be saving a lot of money.

Make a spending plan. When carrying a credit card on you and shopping without a plan, you have a higher chance of impulse buying or overspending. To avoid this, try planning out your shopping trips. Make lists of what you plan to buy, then decide on a charging limit. This plan will keep on track and help you resist splurging.

To avoid excessive fees, always read the fine print of any credit card offer you are considering. Many offers come with a low introductory APR and can be quite enticing. However, further review of the fine print may reveal that that low rate will be increased to a less than appealing rate in as little as 6 months or a year.

After reading this article, you should be far less confused about credit cards. You now know how to evaluate credit card offers and how to find the right credit card for you. If this article hasn’t answered absolutely everything you’ve wondered about credit cards, there’s more info out there, so don’t stop learning.