Helpful Credit Card Tips Everyone Should Know


No one wants to lose out on the big things in life like buying a car or a house, because they misused their credit cards earlier on in life. This article has lots of ways to avoid big mistakes regarding credit cards, and also ways you can start to get out of a jam, if you’ve already created one.

Many credit card offers include substantial bonuses when you open a new account. Be certain that you have a solid understanding of the terms, because in many cases, they must be strictly followed in order for you to receive your bonus. The most common is that you have to spend a certain amount of money within a few months, so be sure that you will actually meet the qualifications before you are tempted by the bonus offer.

If you have credit cards be sure to check your monthly statements thoroughly for errors. Everyone makes errors, and this applies to credit card companies as well. To prevent from paying for something you did not purchase you should save your receipts through the month and then compare them to your statement.

If you find that you have spent more on your credit cards than you can repay, seek help to manage your credit card debt. It is easy to get carried away, especially around the holidays, and spend more than you intended. There are many credit card consumer organizations, that can help get you back on track.

An important aspect of smart credit card usage is to pay the entire outstanding balance, each and every month, whenever possible. By keeping your usage percentage low, you will help keep your overall credit score high, as well as, keep a substantial amount of available credit open for use in case of emergencies.

If you have a credit card account and do not want it to be shut down, make sure to use it. Credit card companies are closing credit card accounts for non-usage at an increasing rate. This is because they view those accounts to be lacking in profit, and therefore, not worth retaining. If you don’t want your account to be closed, use it for small purchases, at least once every three months.

Make certain you do not request credit cards through the mail if your mailbox doesn’t have a lock. Credit card theft often takes place by simply removing a new credit card from an unlocked mailbox.

Live by a zero balance goal, or if you can’t reach zero balance monthly, then maintain the lowest balances you can. Credit card debt can quickly spiral out of control, so go into your credit relationship with the goal to always pay off your bill every month. This is especially important if your cards have high interest rates that can really rack up over time.

Keep a list of the “lost/stolen card” phone numbers for each of your credit card issuers along with your credit card number for reference. Keep it in a safe spot, such as a safety deposit box, separate from all of your cards. You’ll be grateful for this list in the event that your cards get lost or stolen.

One effective suggestion for credit card users is to not make a payment on your credit card right after you charge an item. Instead, pay off the balance in full when your card statement comes in. Your credit card payment history will look better and it will raise your credit score.

Make sure your balance is manageable. If you charge more without paying off your balance, you risk getting into major debt. Interest makes your balance grow, which can make it difficult to get it caught up. Just paying your minimum due means you will be paying off the cards for many months or years, depending on your balance.

If you go to make a purchase with your credit card and you are told that there will a surcharge for using that payment method, you can refuse to pay it and demand they accept your purchase. Many credit card companies do not allow merchants to impose fees, so you should check out the policies of your card company.

Shred old credit card receipts and statements. You can easily purchase an inexpensive home office shredder to handle this task. Those receipts and statements, often contain your credit card number, and if a dumpster diver happened to get hold of that number, they could use your card without your knowledge.

Don’t let your past issues with credit cards slow you down in the future. There are many things you can do right now, to start digging yourself out of that hole. If you’ve managed to stay out of it up to this point, then the advice you read here can keep you on the right track.