Learning To Make Wise Use Of Credit Cards


Credit cards can help you to manage your finances, as long as you use them appropriately. However, it can be devastating to your financial management if you misuse them. For this reason, you may have shied away from getting a credit card in the first place. However, you don’t need to do this, you just need to learn how to use credit cards properly. Read on for some tips to help you with your credit card use.

Make sure that you pore over your credit card statement each and every month, to make sure that every single charge on your bill has been authorized by you. Many people fail to do this and it is much harder to fight fraudulent charges after a lot of time has passed.

Do not have a pin number or password that would be easy for someone to guess. Do not use anything simple like your birthday or your child’s name since this information can be accessed by anyone.

Watch out for changes to the terms and conditions on your cards. Now days, many credit card companies will change their terms with short notice. These changes may be buried within hard to understand legal terms. Be certain you read what’s out there to see if there are negative changes to your agreement.

Be aware that there are credit card scams out there as well. Many of those predatory companies prey on people that have less than stellar credit. Some fraudulent companies for example will offer credit cards for a fee. When you send in the money, they send you applications to fill out instead of a new credit card.

Keep track of what you are purchasing with your card, much like you would keep a checkbook register of the checks that you write. It is far too easy to spend spend spend, and not realize just how much you have racked up over a short period of time.

An important tip for saving money on gas is to never carry a balance on a gas credit card or when charging gas on another credit card. Plan to pay it off each month, otherwise, you will not only pay today’s outrageous gas prices, but interest on the gas, as well.

An important tip when it comes to smart credit card usage is, resisting the urge to use cards for cash advances. By refusing to access credit card funds at ATMs, you will be able to avoid the frequently exorbitant interest rates, and fees credit card companies often charge for such services.

Understand that the credit card interest rate you currently have is always subject to change. Remember, the credit industry is competitive between companies, and each company has different rates available to them. If you are not happy with your interest rate, call your bank and ask them to change it.

Many people, especially when they are younger, feel like credit cards are a type of free money. The fact is, they are exactly the opposite, paid money. Remember, every time you use your credit card, you are basically taking out a micro-loan with incredibly high interest. Never forget that you must repay this loan.

An important thing to remember when using credit cards is to do whatever is necessary to avoid going over your specified credit limit. By making certain that you always remain within your allowable credit, you can avoid costly fees that card issuers frequently assess and guarantee that your account always remains in good standing.

Try to avoid paying for grocery and restaurant bills on a credit card because they sometimes take a long time to show up on your statement and you will underestimate your available balance. This can cause you to spend more than you would like to because your credit card balance will appear lower than the amount you are actually responsible for.

Don’t place your credit card number on anything that is visible to the public. This includes on the backs of postcards, on the outside of envelopes, and on publicly visible (and unsecure) areas of social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Sharing your information on mail or on social media can lead to serious credit theft.

Use cards that offer you a low interest rate with a balance transfer cautiously. In many cases, that rate is only available for a short period of time. When that time expires, the rate might jump to three or four times that amount. Make sure that you understand the terms and make an educated choice about choosing, and using, these cards.

You should not be scared to get a credit card. You shouldn’t forgo use of them because you are afraid of marring your credit, most especially after having read this article that explains proper use of them. Remember the advice in this article so you can get the most benefit from your credit cards.